Solo challenge missions
The true strengths and weaknesses of a character are brought forth when facing the ennemy alone. This is the way of the sniper, the assassin, the spy.
Solo challenge missions would feature a variety of missions that can be tackled alone only - no henchs, no npc's, no heroes, and absolutely no other players.
Missions will vary in character, and will include:
1) Spy missions: infiltrate the ennemy base to steal some artifact or scroll
2) Assassination missions: kill a specific boss
3) Exploration / recon: map out strategic locations
4) Sabotage
5) Gladiatorship: fight ennemies in order of strength, one-on-one
6) Dungeon challenge: avoid traps, solve puzzles, etc
Because these are challenge missions, they are not intended necessarily to be accessible to all professions. Some professions / builds will be more effective for given missions. However, most missions are designed to be accessible to many classes, with a special emphasis towards having at least a few missions for every class.
Also, most of these will reward the patient player, and the creative player who will come with a diverse skill set appropriate for the mission. It also introduces a new depth and diversity into the game, which will greatly broaden the consumer base.
Rewards in these missions will be based on objectives completed. Monsters can be of lower level (for balancing purposes) such that players will die if outnumbered, yet can take out monsters one at a time.